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Project Status

On-Site - Completed

  • Construction of a Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Cell (Vault) to contain PCB materials exceeding 50 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) PCB excavated from areas at the plant.

  • Construction of a multi-layer RCRA engineered cover system over the approximately 40-acre eastern portion of the site (East Plant Area) after removal of accessible greater than 50 mg/kg PCB soils and placement of less than 50 mg/kg materials from the off-site Bailey’s Branch/Pleasant Run removal action to prevent water infiltration into underlying residual PCB impacted soils and bedrock.

  • Construction of a multi-layer RCRA engineered cover system and an asphalt/clay cover over an area west of GM Drive (Area of Interest (AOI) 21-2) after removal of accessible greater than 50 mg/kg PCB soils and placement of less than 50 mg/kg materials from the off-site Bailey’s Branch/Pleasant Run removal action to prevent water infiltration into underlying residual PCB impacted soils and bedrock.

  • Installation of PCB impacted groundwater collection systems (Site Source Control Systems).

  • Outfall 002 trench collection system.

  • Pilot cut of the East Plant Area perimeter bedrock trench groundwater collection system.

  • Other interim groundwater collection systems.

  • Construction of a water treatment plant for Site Source Control collection systems (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. IN0064424 (Outfall 004)).

  • Stormwater Pond dredging and upgrading activities (AOI-10).

  • Phase II cut of the East Plant Area perimeter bedrock trench groundwater collection system


On-Site - Ongoing

  • Semi-annual groundwater monitoring (Environmental Indicator CA750).

  • Inspection and maintenance of engineered Cover Systems at the East and West Plant Areas.

  • Inspection and maintenance of TSCA Vault – leachate monitoring continues. 

  • Site Source Control groundwater collection system and Vault collection system treatment at the NPDES permitted water treatment plant.

  • Removal of mobile PCB contaminated Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL/heavy oil) from bedrock at AOI-8.


On-Site - Pending

  • Corrective Measures Proposal, which describes the proposed final remedy for the project. This will be issued for public comment once completed.

  • Design of additional sections of East Plant Area perimeter bedrock trench groundwater collection system.


Off-Site - Completed

  • Spring 18 Semi-Annual spring water sampling.

  • Performance monitoring for pilot cut of East Plant Area perimeter bedrock trench groundwater collection system including dye trace studies.

  • Excavation and off-site disposal of PCB impacted fill materials at off-site Parcels 400/430/431.   

  • Design of additional sections of East Plant Area perimeter bedrock trench groundwater collection system.

  • Remediation of PCB contaminated materials from approximately 5 miles of the Bailey’s Branch/Pleasant Run creek system and properties adjacent to the creek system is complete. Restoration of the final downstream properties is complete.

  • Remediation of PCB contaminated materials from unnamed tributaries west and north of the Plant and restoration is complete.


Off-Site - Pending

  • Spring 18 area berm removal/restoration.

  • Bailey’s Brach Creek and Tributary 2/3 confluence concrete repair.

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